Avoid These Halloween Pet Hazards

Halloween can be a very spooky time for pets, especially if the doorbell is ringing constantly and there is a lot of noise in your home. Your pet may be tempted to bolt into the night when the door opens, just to get away from all of the stress. Certain Halloween treats, candy, and decorations can also be hazardous to your pet’s health and safety. Be sure your pet avoids these Halloween hazards this year: 

Candy and Chocolate

Most pet owners are aware that chocolate can be fatal to pets. Other candy is also dangerous and can lead to gastrointestinal issues, poisoning, seizures, coma, and death. To be safe, keep all candy and treats far out of reach of your pets, and make sure everyone else in your home is aware as well. The most dangerous ingredients to your pets are chocolate, Xylitol (an artificial sweetener found in gums and candy), caramel, nougat, nuts, popcorn, pumpkin seeds, and alcohol. 

Candy Wrappers and Trash

Candy wrappers and trash, especially plastic or cellophane treat bags, can become a choking hazard to pets. They may try to eat them and choke or experience an intestinal blockage. A plastic bag can easily get stuck on a small pet’s head and suffocate him. 

Halloween Decorations and Costumes

Halloween decorations may also look like toys to your pet, and they carry the risk of causing choking, intestinal blockages, and perforations if your pet consumes them. Glow sticks and fake blood contain hazardous chemicals that can poison your pets. Fake cobwebs, draped fabric, and strings of light can strangle or trap your pet, causing injury. Lit candles can be easily knocked over, starting a fire.

If you think your pet has encountered any of these Halloween pet hazards, please visit your local veterinary hospital right away.



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